We're Ready to Welcome You Back!

Canada Water Studios has always been cleaned every day and we have now introduced an enhanced cleaning regime to ensure your safety.

  • We’re cleaning and disinfecting Canada Water Studios more than ever with an enhanced two-stage cleaning process, using detergent and disinfectant to sanitise all floors and equipment and will be cleaning the entire Studios overnight
  • We have plastic shields at our reception desk and we’ll be providing PPE for our teams
  • Common touch points will be disinfected multiple times per day
  • We’ll be supplying wipes so instructors/users can clean down equipment before and after use
  • There are multiple hand sanitising stations available throughout the Studios for you to use
  • Each studio has its own commercial ventilation system which changes the air multiple times per hour

We’re changing how our classes work:

  • You might need to wait outside before class, our Reception waiting area is closed, please arrive five minutes before the class start time not earlier
  • When you come in, please check-in at reception. When the class ends, please clear the studio space as quickly as possible
  • As you may expect, we’re reducing the number of people in our classes. We have marked out the Studios with 2m dance boxes to help you maintain the 2m distance rule
  • Classes will be shorter than usual to make sure we have enough time to clean between classes and help you leave safely
  • Classes will all exit directly from their Studio into the street to reduce traffic within the Studio

Let’s do this together – we need your help

  • If you feel sick or experience Covid-19 symptoms, please don’t come to the Studios
  • In line with Government guidance our changing rooms are closed
  • Please arrive dressed and ready for class, bringing with you the minimum amount possible as this will stay with you in your studio
  • Please bring your own mat, we will no longer be lending mats
  • Use our hand sanitising stations when you enter the Studios (and again when you leave)
  • If your instructor asks you, please use our wipes to clean your equipment before and after you use it
  • Bring a full water bottle if you get thirsty