Terms & Conditions

Website Terms & Conditions

Information published on this web site is provided for the use of its visitors and you are advised that, although care has been taken to ensure technical and factual accuracy, some errors may occur. No guarantee is given of the accuracy or completeness of information on these pages. Please be aware that Canada Water Studios Ltd may alter the information on its web site from time to time. Canada Water Studios Ltd shall have no liability arising from the use by any party of the information on this web site. Canada Water Studios Ltd does not warrant the information on this web site in any way and in particular no warranty is given that the web site or its contents or hypertext links are virus free or uncontaminated. You are advised to make your own virus checks and to implement your own precautions in this respect. Canada Water Studios Ltd excludes all liability for contamination or damage caused by any virus or electronic transmission.

Return / Refund Policy

  • Cancellations within 12 hours of class start will not be refunded.
  • Cancellations prior to 12 hours will receive a credit back into your Mindbody account with the exception of (3)  below
  • (3) Children’s streetdance and ballet classes are provided termly. Fees are due termly (for the full term) in advance. No rollover of fees for missed classes is possible.

Class Validity

  • Bundle classes can be used for up to three months.
  • Single classes can be used for up to two month.

Class Bundles

  • Classes bought in a bundle do not have to be used consecutively.
  • Classes bought in a bundle CAN be used to purchase other classes in the same price band.

General Dance

Fees are due before the beginning of term.
If you wish to withdraw your child from CWS half a term’s notice in writing is required.
Children are entered for examinations at the discretion of the Principal.
Children are required to wear the regulation uniform.
Girls are required to have their hair in a ballet bun or a headband for short hair.
A pupil may be temporarily or permanently excluded at the discretion of the Principal.
By accepting enrolment in the school, parents acknowledge and accept that ballet instruction often involves physical placement by the teacher.
All staff are fully CRB checked.
Parents must inform us immediately of any change of address or telephone number.
Students are required to arrive in good time for their classes so they do not miss the essential warm up. Latecomers will not be able to join the class until they are warm, to prevent injury. Teachers have the right to refuse entry to a class in case of persistent lateness.
Parents are requested to accompany their children to the studio and to collect them from there at the end of class. The school cannot be held responsible for children outside the studio.
All injuries will be recorded in the Accident book. First Aid equipment is available at each venue.
Young children may require a member of staff to accompany them to the toilet


Photographs/video recordings may not be taken during classes without the express permission of the teacher.
There is one exception to (1) which is the last class of term (‘watching day’) when all parents/guardians are encouraged to come and view classes and photographs/video recordings are permitted. If you do not wish your child to be photographed/videoed on ‘watching day’ please do not bring them to class, a ‘make-up’ class can be arranged by contacting the school office at enquiries@canadawaterstudios.com.
No photos/videos taken of CWS classes are to be uploaded to social media sites without the written permission from the parents/guardians of any students shown in the photo/video. For clarity you may upload photos/videos of just your child, any posting of photos/videos involving other children requires written permission.

Child Protection Policy

It is the policy of the school to provide efficient, up-to-date, enjoyable and safe instruction in dance to all pupils who enrol in the school or join in the classes or activities.
The premises and equipment will be checked regularly for any defects or faults that exist or may have developed which might present hazards to any attending the premises, any issues will be immediately reported to the hall manager.
All instruction will be geared to the previous experience and abilities of the pupil(s) and no person will be required to perform movements beyond their intrinsic capabilities. Staff will be sensitive to all pupils’ religious beliefs and culture.
No energetic instruction will be given without pupils undergoing a “warm-up” session, and after an energetic session completing a “warm-down” session.
An accident book will be kept to allow records to be kept of any incident in the school, injuries of any nature to staff or pupils.
No very young pupil will be allowed to leave the school premises until collected by a parent, guardian or other adult authorised to do so by a parent or guardian. A member of staff will remain on the premises until all pupils have left.
No pupil under age 16 will be driven home by a member of staff in his/her car without the permission of a parent or guardian except in the event of an emergency.
Only suitably qualified persons will be employed in a teaching capacity while any student engaged to assist with teaching will only work under the supervision of a qualified member of staff.
The school principal will ensure that she and the members of staff are properly covered against incidents involving public liability and professional negligence insurance.
No form of discrimination, by religion, colour, the child’s background and so on will be tolerated in the school.
At all times, all staff will endeavour to keep the highest standards of instruction and behaviour. The school principal retains the right to discharge from the school any pupil who persistently disrupts the tuition, uses offensive language, or other anti-social behaviour.

Health & Safety Policy

Our statement of general policy is:
To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.
To consult with our staff on matters affecting their health and safety.
To provide and maintain safe equipment.
To provide information, instruction and supervision for staff.
To ensure all staff are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training.
To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
To maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals

Lost Property

Canada Water Studios accepts no responsibility for private property whilst on the premises, including accepting any liability should lost property be returned for any reason to someone who is not its owner – eg if someone makes a false representation to Canada Water Studios Ltd of ownership of property.

Property that is left on the premises will be kept for a period of three months, after which it will be disposed of.

In order for property to be reclaimed, a detailed description of the item(s) and/or proof of ID (identity), and date that the item was left will be required to be emailed to Canada Water Studios Ltd.

While every effort will be made to identify the possible owner of lost property (which is likely to involve searching of the item) and then make contact with them, the Canada Water Studios Ltd will not return the property to that person unless they provide the details set out in the previous paragraph.